1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | from machine import Pin from machine import Timer # Define led_status as a global variable led_status = 0 # Initialize LED pin led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) # Define the LED flash function def flash_led(timer): global led_status led.value(led_status) led_status = 1 - led_status # Set up a periodic timer to toggle the LED every 500ms tim = Timer(-1) tim.init(period=500, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=flash_led) # No need for a while loop if the timer handles the LED toggling # Just keep the script alive while True: pass |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 | from machine import Pin, Timer, PWM import time # 定義 LED 狀態 led_status = 0 # 初始化 LED 引腳 led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) # 定義 PWM 的引腳,使用 GPIO 4 buzzer = PWM(Pin(4)) # 音符對應的頻率(以簡單音階為例) tones = { 'C': 261, 'D': 294, 'E': 329, 'F': 349, 'G': 392, 'A': 440, 'B': 493 } # 播放音符的函數 def play_tone(tone, duration): if tone in tones: buzzer.freq(tones[tone]) # 設定頻率 buzzer.duty(512) # 設定占空比,0-1023 之間,512 表示 50% 占空比 time.sleep(duration) # 播放音符的持續時間 buzzer.duty(0) # 停止聲音 # 定義 LED 閃爍的函數 def flash_led(timer): global led_status led.value(led_status) led_status = 1 - led_status # 設置一個定時器,每500毫秒切換 LED 狀態 tim = Timer(-1) tim.init(period=500, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=flash_led) # 播放一段簡單音樂的函數 def play_melody(): melody = ['C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'A', 'B', 'C'] # 簡單音階 duration = 0.5 # 每個音符的持續時間為0.5秒 for note in melody: play_tone(note, duration) time.sleep(0.1) # 音符之間的短暫停頓 # 播放音樂 play_melody() # 保持程式運行 while True: pass |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 | from machine import Pin, ADC, PWM import time # 初始化光敏電阻 (A0) light_sensor = ADC(0) # 初始化 RGB LED 引腳 red = PWM(Pin(15), freq=500) green = PWM(Pin(12), freq=500) blue = PWM(Pin(13), freq=500) # 設置初始 LED 亮度 red.duty(0) green.duty(0) blue.duty(0) # 設定光線閾值,低於這個值時視為光線暗,進行顏色變化 LIGHT_THRESHOLD = 500 # 根據實際環境調整 # 顏色變化函數 def set_color(r, g, b): red.duty(r) green.duty(g) blue.duty(b) # 變化 RGB 顏色 def color_cycle(): set_color(1023, 0, 0) # 紅色 time.sleep(0.5) set_color(0, 1023, 0) # 綠色 time.sleep(0.5) set_color(0, 0, 1023) # 藍色 time.sleep(0.5) set_color(1023, 1023, 0) # 黃色 time.sleep(0.5) set_color(0, 1023, 1023) # 青色 time.sleep(0.5) set_color(1023, 0, 1023) # 紫色 time.sleep(0.5) set_color(1023, 1023, 1023) # 白色 time.sleep(0.5) # 主迴圈 while True: light_value = light_sensor.read() # 讀取光敏電阻的數值 print("Light Value:", light_value) # 可在控制台查看光線讀數 if light_value < LIGHT_THRESHOLD: # 如果光線低於閾值,啟動 RGB 變化 color_cycle() else: # 關閉 RGB LED set_color(0, 0, 0) time.sleep(1) # 每秒檢查一次光線狀態 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 | from machine import Pin, Timer, PWM, ADC import time # 初始化 LED 引腳 led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) led_status = 0 # 初始化蜂鳴器的 PWM 引腳,使用 GPIO 4 beeper = PWM(Pin(4, Pin.OUT)) # 初始化光敏電阻 (A0) 和 RGB LED (GPIO 15, 12, 13) light_sensor = ADC(0) red = PWM(Pin(15), freq=500) green = PWM(Pin(12), freq=500) blue = PWM(Pin(13), freq=500) # 設置初始 RGB LED 亮度 red.duty(0) green.duty(0) blue.duty(0) # 光線強度閾值,低於此值視為光線暗 LIGHT_THRESHOLD = 500 # 定義 LED 閃爍的函數 def flash_led(timer): global led_status led.value(led_status) led_status = 1 - led_status # 定義 PWM 控制 RGB 顏色 def set_color(r, g, b): red.duty(r) green.duty(g) blue.duty(b) # 顏色變化函數 def color_cycle(): set_color(1023, 0, 0) # 紅色 time.sleep(0.5) set_color(0, 1023, 0) # 綠色 time.sleep(0.5) set_color(0, 0, 1023) # 藍色 time.sleep(0.5) set_color(1023, 1023, 0) # 黃色 time.sleep(0.5) set_color(0, 1023, 1023) # 青色 time.sleep(0.5) set_color(1023, 0, 1023) # 紫色 time.sleep(0.5) set_color(1023, 1023, 1023) # 白色 time.sleep(0.5) # 音樂音符和頻率 notes = [ 392, 330, 330, 0, 349, 294, 294, 0, 262, 294, 330, 349, 392, 392, 392, 0 ] # 音樂播放函數 def play_melody(): for note in notes: if note == 0: beeper.duty(0) # 休止符 else: beeper.duty(512) # 設置音量 beeper.freq(note) # 設置頻率 time.sleep(0.2) # 音符持續 0.2 秒 beeper.duty(0) time.sleep(0.1) # 休止 0.1 秒 # 設置一個定時器,每 500 毫秒切換 LED 狀態 tim_led = Timer(-1) tim_led.init(period=500, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=flash_led) # 主迴圈 while True: # 讀取光敏電阻的數值 light_value = light_sensor.read() print("Light Value:", light_value) if light_value < LIGHT_THRESHOLD: # 如果光線低於閾值,顯示 RGB 顏色變化 color_cycle() else: set_color(0, 0, 0) # 光線充足時,關閉 RGB LED play_melody() # 播放音樂 time.sleep(2) # 每隔 2 秒播放一次音樂並檢查光線狀況 |