參考文章:Create Your Own NFT Collection With Python
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 | from PIL import Image from IPython.display import display import random import json import os # Each image is made up a series of traits # The weightings for each trait drive the rarity and add up to 100% face = ["White", "Black"] face_weights = [60, 40] ears = ["ears1", "ears2", "ears3", "ears4"] ears_weights = [25, 30 , 44, 1] eyes = ["regular", "small", "rayban", "hipster", "focused"] eyes_weights = [70, 10, 5, 1, 14] hair = ['hair1', 'hair10', 'hair11', 'hair12', 'hair2', 'hair3', 'hair4', 'hair5', 'hair6', 'hair7', 'hair8', 'hair9'] hair_weights = [10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ,10, 10, 10 ,10 ,10, 7 , 1 , 2] mouth = ['m1', 'm2', 'm3', 'm4', 'm5', 'm6'] mouth_weights = [10, 10,50, 10,15, 5] nose = ['n1', 'n2'] nose_weights = [90, 10] # Dictionary variable for each trait. # Eech trait corresponds to its file name face_files = { "White": "face1", "Black": "face2" } ears_files = { "ears1": "ears1", "ears2": "ears2", "ears3": "ears3", "ears4": "ears4" } eyes_files = { "regular": "eyes1", "small": "eyes2", "rayban": "eyes3", "hipster": "eyes4", "focused": "eyes5" } hair_files = { "hair1": "hair1", "hair2": "hair2", "hair3": "hair3", "hair4": "hair4", "hair5": "hair5", "hair6": "hair6", "hair7": "hair7", "hair8": "hair8", "hair9": "hair9", "hair10": "hair10", "hair11": "hair11", "hair12": "hair12" } mouth_files = { "m1": "m1", "m2": "m2", "m3": "m3", "m4": "m4", "m5": "m5", "m6": "m6" } nose_files = { "n1": "n1", "n2": "n2" } ## Generate Traits TOTAL_IMAGES = 100 # Number of random unique images we want to generate all_images = [] # A recursive function to generate unique image combinations def create_new_image(): new_image = {} # # For each trait category, select a random trait based on the weightings new_image ["Face"] = random.choices(face, face_weights)[0] new_image ["Ears"] = random.choices(ears, ears_weights)[0] new_image ["Eyes"] = random.choices(eyes, eyes_weights)[0] new_image ["Hair"] = random.choices(hair, hair_weights)[0] new_image ["Mouth"] = random.choices(mouth, mouth_weights)[0] new_image ["Nose"] = random.choices(nose, nose_weights)[0] if new_image in all_images: return create_new_image() else: return new_image # Generate the unique combinations based on trait weightings for i in range(TOTAL_IMAGES): new_trait_image = create_new_image() all_images.append(new_trait_image) # Returns true if all images are unique def all_images_unique(all_images): seen = list() return not any(i in seen or seen.append(i) for i in all_images) print("Are all images unique?", all_images_unique(all_images)) # Add token Id to each image i = 0 for item in all_images: item["tokenId"] = i i = i + 1 print(all_images) # Get Trait Counts face_count = {} for item in face: face_count[item] = 0 ears_count = {} for item in ears: ears_count[item] = 0 eyes_count = {} for item in eyes: eyes_count[item] = 0 hair_count = {} for item in hair: hair_count[item] = 0 mouth_count = {} for item in mouth: mouth_count[item] = 0 nose_count = {} for item in nose: nose_count[item] = 0 for image in all_images: face_count[image["Face"]] += 1 ears_count[image["Ears"]] += 1 eyes_count[image["Eyes"]] += 1 hair_count[image["Hair"]] += 1 mouth_count[image["Mouth"]] += 1 nose_count[image["Nose"]] += 1 print(face_count) print(ears_count) print(eyes_count) print(hair_count) print(mouth_count) print(nose_count) #### Generate Images for item in all_images: im1 = Image.open(f'<下載解壓縮的目錄夾>/substrapunks-master/scripts/face_parts/face/{face_files[item["Face"]]}.png').convert('RGBA') im2 = Image.open(f'<下載解壓縮的目錄夾>/substrapunks-master/scripts/face_parts/eyes/{eyes_files[item["Eyes"]]}.png').convert('RGBA') |
- 第1-5行 匯入會使用到的程式套件。
- 第6-31行 主要是分配特質稀有度,每個獨特的頭像都包含五個特徵:臉、耳朵、頭髮、嘴、鼻子等,當有些鼻子必須比其他鼻子更稀有,您需要為您擁有的不同類型的鼻子分配權重,分別是90%和10%,但數組的總數應始終為 100。我們有兩種類型的面孔,黑與白,您必須指定白臉圖像有 60% 的機會,黑臉有40% 的機會。
- 第32-83行,對特徵進行分類作業,如果您想為您的特徵使用不同的名稱,可以使用字典,例如:特徵名稱“face1”被歸類為白臉,而“face2”被歸類為黑臉。
- 第85-116行為定義圖像特徵,建立每個頭像圖像是由六張圖片的組合:臉、鼻子、嘴巴、耳朵和眼睛。第104-107行有判斷是否重複,若重複則更外產生。
- 第117-130行是為了驗證唯一性,對於 NFT 頭像項目,重要的是每個頭像都是獨一無二的。因此,您需要檢查所有圖像是否都是唯一的。接下來,為每個圖像添加一個唯一標識符。在第112行會列印出
- 第131-172為性狀計數,要確切知道每個特徵出現的次數,您必須要跟踪現在有多少特徵出現在您的圖像集中。但要特別注意根據預定義的權重和隨機函數分配了特徵。這意味著即使您將白人面孔的權重定義為 60,也不可能恰好有 60 個白人面孔,例如這次產生了53個白臉但產生了47個黑臉。執行結果如下:
{'ears1': 29, 'ears2': 34, 'ears3': 35, 'ears4': 2}
{'regular': 66, 'small': 16, 'rayban': 11, 'hipster': 0, 'focused': 7}
{'hair1': 8, 'hair10': 8, 'hair11': 13, 'hair12': 12, 'hair2': 13, 'hair3': 12, 'hair4': 6, 'hair5': 11, 'hair6': 11, 'hair7': 4, 'hair8': 1, 'hair9': 1}
{'m1': 6, 'm2': 7, 'm3': 56, 'm4': 12, 'm5': 13, 'm6': 6}
{'n1': 92, 'n2': 8}
- 第173-195行是為了生成圖像,執行結果在本文文章一開頭。